my lollipops are sweeter
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
  lily one and lily two
(*hello again bitches....this one is from sometime last week too and is important because chinese maids don't get enough press.....)

todays crap, not crap:

the interview with Katie Holmes in the new issue of W is CRAP. like seriously, CRAP!! oh my god it's so gross.

the interview with Martha Stewart in the August issue of Vanity Fair is NOT CRAP. oh my god it is the best issue of Vanity Fair since the Jesus Juice one. So martha has these two chinese maids both named Lily and so she doesnt get them confused she calls one Lily One and the other Lily Two but sometimes she also calls Lilly Two "Penny". HAHAHAH there is nothing more awesome than that. im totally going to follow in this bitches footsteps and call all you bitches Lilly One and Lilly Two and if you really annoy me im calling your skank ass Penny. Actually the new vanity fair has lots of awesome crap in it. Like the story about the bitch who "discovered" Jimmy Choo because it's juicy eurotrash gossip. and the disney article! is good too!! the elle macpherson story is crap...but go buy it anyways. it's awesome.

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