my lollipops are sweeter
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
  i am totally going to fail my midterms.
1. Do you still know/talk to the person you lost your virginity to?

-um, nooo. he is insane.

2. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?

-dip them in gold

3.What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?

- mexican party music and teeny bopper crap.

4.What is the best thing about your current job?

- that the only requirement is that i get up and go to class. yes, my parents pay me to go to school and no i feel no guilt. i have no integrity and i like it that way.

5.Do you wish cell phone ettiquette was a required class?

-i don't care.

6.Do you believe in gay marriage?

-um, yeah! are you kidding me? if anyone should be allowed to plan a wedding it should be le gays!!!

7. Why?

-DUH, because gay people throw the hottest parties. (Glitter, gold lame', topless man waiters, drag queens, hot pants and feathers!!!!) Gay people should be the only people having weddings!

8. What's the most fucked up food combination you've come up with?

-hmm....Cow Heart. Cow + heart = not tasty. (i was in peru and staying with a friends family and that is what those cold bitches fed me!!! COW HEART!)...ok i know i didn't come up with that, but I rule at cooking and all my food combos are, cow heart.

9. Have you been on a date in the past week?

-yes, i had a date with pancakes.

10. If yes... how did it go, if no, why not?

-i ate them.

11. Where are you going on your next vacation?

-i dont know. it's always a mystery. i think i might be going to my motherland, el salvador, soon, like in Nov. If not, im making my slut parents send me somewhere, probably to visit my friends in London and Spain. those bitches owe me a vacation big time.

12. Quote a song lyric...

-"drunk as hell but no throwin up...half way home and my pager still blowin up, today i didn't even have to use my A.K., I gotta say it was a good day.." ( i totally relate)

13. Are most of the friends in your life new or old

-both....i'd say the majority are old. like what is old though? i keep about 3-5 friends from every major period in my life.

15. Do you own any furniture from Ikea?

-i heart Ikea. yes, because i love self assembly and i love that being in Ikea makes most people i know dizzy.

16. Are you ashamed of having it?

-having it? having what? embarassing...having Ikea? oh my god, is Ikea the STD of furniture? Well, Im not ashamed. I love my furnitural warts.

17. What do you wish someone would buy you?

-oh man, at first i thought that said, "do you wish someone would buy you?" to which i would reply: only in mass production form. how hot would that be. like millions of tiny jasmins everywhere. sounds like paradise. (shut up bitches, you know you'd buy one, whores.)

18. What do you think of hipsters?

-i think it's funny that there is a gang orientation centered around the shooting of hipsters in the face. that's way clever.

19. What are you wearing right now?

-denim, cotton, plastic, argyle socks, and chucks.

20. When is the last time you had mom's home cookin'?

-uh, 15 years ago. my mom can't cook to save her soul. i am totally my own mom's home cooking and i ate that yesterday.

21. Do you like your parents?

-i have to, they pay me.

23. What state/country are you from?

-cali, usa

24. Do you ever wish you were gay/straight?

- before i answer i must say, if i ever wished to be gay, i would only wish to be a gay man....but even if that was an option i'd say no. other than the gays i grew up with, most new gays hate me for reasons i still have not figured out and if i was a real gay they'd probably hate me more. bitches are such whores.

25. Tell us about the last conversation you had...

- my mom was explaining the goings-on of the 11am novela on telemundo or whatever

26. Where do you see yourself in one month?-in el salvador

27. What is your favorite smell?

-the outside

28. Home Depot:

-Some People Buy Their Husbands There, A True Story.

29. Do you consider yourself bi-polar?

- no. nor would anyone else. gross. (god just kidding sluts, most of my distant family is bi-polar and all those sluts are hot)

30. What is the time and the outside temperature at the moment?

- 12:30; cali cold 70 degrees prolly.

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