a bff told me that this would be the gossip of my life
...and that bitch was right. ok, so, if you really really know me, you know that i love the sigfried and roy. not because i believe in their gay magic but because those bitches are hot and have the hottest postcards ever made in the history of vegas postcards!!! my favorite is the one of those bitches with the american flag!!!! HOT. and that was pre-911 ho's!! those sluts are so ahead of their time. anyways, yeah sigfried and roy are hot vegas sluts and i love those ho's. so over this weekend said bff went to a hot party where she met the daughter of the body guard for S&R and that slut told the bff that the real Roy Horn died like years ago from le aids and that the current Roy is not Roy but Roy's nephew who has undergone tons of plastic surgery to look like Uncly Roy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is hotter than Who Killed JFK!!
hahaha so awesome!!!! ok so i totally love fake roy horn. that's hot. i wonder if fake Roy was not gay but had to turn gay for the benjamins. maybe it was part of the real Roy's will. i want to do that in my will. like i will only give my future nephew money if he promises to dress up like liberace for the rest of his life!!!....ok, i should not be allowed to have power ever. in other news sluts: oh my god embarassing...i kind of want to see that new Cameron DIaz movie with Muriel from Muriels wedding. however, i totally wish Kirsten Dunst would stop making movies. i hate that whore on the big screen. i can't stand her face.
ok hobags, pray that i convince my professor that im not an idiot on my midterm tonight. have a great tuesday sluts.