ok so i totally cant stand george clooney but goddamnit his new movie looks kind of hot. what is wrong with me. i am really starting to question my sanity. ok, also, the new movie about Truman Capote is out and i am guessing that movie will be hot shit. i love that slut dearly because he was a full of shit diva and wrote Breakfast at Tiffany's. That book is hot. so is the movie. actually most of his books are hot....In Cold Blood is awesome. anyways, i really want to see that shit and im going to make a gay come with me. i think someone needs to make a movie about Cecil Beaton. I think that bitch was way underrated. I dont think that bitch ever wrote a novel but his diary is hot shit and is full of awesome celebrity gossip. i'll do a hot slut history on that bitch sometime soon because that bitch was who i'd want to be if i was a gay man in the 1960's -1980's.
in other news: the world will end when katie holmes has her alien child.
Happy Friday WHORES.
ps - do NOT watch the movie History of Violence. Though Viggo Moretenson is a hot slut in the movie and shows his hot sweet middle aged ass, the movie is boring as fuck and is way creepily quiet. there is one hot vag and titty shot though. it's that old bitch that plays viggo's wife and it's the only part that held the interest of the frat dude friends i have. It had no effect on B because the movie was so quiet it parched his ass. then again , B suffers from the inability to whisper. i think that's a social disease.