tv is getting hot & i'm going on a date with fabio
tv always gets hot right when i have to get all crazy serious about crappy school. i am seriously into everything on tv. i'm even into the tori spelling show, so notorious!!!! i know bitches, EMBARASSING!! but the shows im most looking forward to are on MTV. MTV knows their reality and i am stoked about both the return of one of my all time faves, My Super Sweet Sixteen and the hottest new idea for a show since, er...8th and Ocean, TIARA GIRLS!!!! hells yeah! i LOVE LOVE LOVE pageant sluts. I seriously love the movie Miss Congeniality only because its about that stupid biatch Sandra B. being involved in a pageant! this tv show will be hottest thing you'll ever see, TRUST. you should watch when it starts: April 19th, 10:30!!!! i bet you some seriously fucked up shit will go down.
in other news, i have entered the Oral B Win A Date With Fabio contest. i am really hoping i win. I have already selected a bff to go with so im sorry to all you bitches who would have liked to be mine and fabio's 3rd wheel. this contest is something shady, for reals. this pic is sort of small and you cant see where it describes the contest so i will write it out because it's hot, it says:"Dreams really can come true, darling. Imagine you and a friend being whisked away to Los Angeles for a romantic date with Fabio. As if his warm embrace weren't enough to fill your heart with joy, you'll even enjoy spending $750 in spending cash!" DUDE, how can anyone resist this contest!!! i am seriously stoked. i think fate and fabio are on my side. they will be letting the winner know around May 5th....just in time for my birfday, which is three days after! then you will basically belong to Oral B and Fabio between June 3-June 5, and since i'm already in LA, they said they would send a limo to pick my ass up! HOT. you also get to stay in a hotel in LA and then you have your "romantic" date with Fabio at a "4 star restaurant". dude, and they pay you $750. oral b is turning me and my friend into prostitutes. high class ones. i better not get used to it.