special lady slut update

your whore prayers are something powerful for sure!!!
it was a really intense and emotional weekend with my #1 bitch in the hospital but the lady pulled through... :) while she's not fully fully recovered, she's getting there and i'm hoping once we take her off the temporary medications the vet prescribed her, she'll be back to being her usual anti-charlie (our other dog) lady slut! (she hates charlie, but is actually quite tolerant of him these days since she's on a drug that basically sedates her. it's rad.)
she actually was not just suffering from an Addisonian Crisis...but also had fluid in her brain and we really almost lost her. it was very scary, but the vet was able to catch it all in time! anyway, thanks to anyone who read and took a little time to say a hot doggy slut prayer for my Sundae!
x's and o's, ho's!!!!
Labels: sundae is a hot bitch and she's doing much better