a special request for a special lady slut!

my number one lady slut Sundae is in the hospital today. she recently had a rabies vaccine which caused her body a little too much stress than she was able to handle and sent her into a kind of shock. she suffers from Addison's Disease which is related to her adrenal glands. she's had this forever and has been on lifetime meds for this which has enabled her to lead a totally normal and hot doggy life, most of the time!!!
however, sometimes certain situations can trigger her to have more stress than she can handle and for some reason after her vaccine she went in to a state of Adisonian Crisis, which can be fatal. i'm pretty sure she'll pull through but i'm sure she'll totally feel the love if you sluts can say a little hot slut prayer for my #1 ho. she's been with me since i was 14 so she's seen me mature and turn into the ho that i am!!! i guess that would cause trauma to anyone!! poor lady!! anyway, i know she'll be ok because she's totally a trooper but i thought a little extra hot slut love wouldn't hurt! :) thanks hobags and ill keep you updated!

Labels: sundae is a hot bitch literally