or maybe i could....
You have to use 3 words to answer each question. No more, no less.
Where is your cell phone?
:: i dont care
Your hair?
:: broke ass weave-ish
Where is your father?
:: golfing being asian
Your favorite thing to do?
:: getting in trouble
Your dream last night?
:: full of celebrities
Your favorite drink?
:: mixes with vodka
Your dream truck?
:: aw hell no
The room you're in?
:: tv, computer, couch
Time you wake up
:: ten through two
Your fears?
::trannies with vaginas
Your favorite food
:: full of fat
Who did you hang out with last night?
:: skanky slut ho
What you're not good at?
:: having a job
:: stinky or tainted
One of your wish list items?
:: pocket karl lagerfeld
Where did you grow up?
::san gabriel valley
The last thing you did?
:: created new smoothie
What are you wearing?
:: shirt, leggings, bangles
Your favorite place?
:: los angeles, cali
Who did you talk to last?
:: the dez machine
Your computer?
:: i want iphone
Your life?
:: modeled after zsazsa's
Your mood?
:: a hungry marshmallow
:: not being marshmallow
What are you thinking about right now?:
:: margs, tan, beer-b-que
Your car?
:: nelson cher mandela
Your work?
:: eat, drink, sleep
Your summer?
::all year long
Your favorite color(s)
::clear, shiny, diamond
When is the last time you laughed?
::flight of conchords
Last time you cried?
::i hate oprah
:: is for chumps!
Labels: i'm awesome, i'm bored, nerd quizzes are still better than surveys
i couldnt have described myself any better....
these rad nerd quizzes are so much hotter than surveys.
 | You scored as Emma Frost, Emma Frost is a former enemy of the X-Men but has joined them. She finds certain rules about not reading minds without permission to confining, and she still retains a bit of a bad-girl side. Some x-men are not certain of her alligence, and for good reason. Powers: Telepathy, Can turn her skin into Diamond, Psychic persuasion
Emma Frost | | 95% | Iceman | | 85% | Jean Grey | | 80% | Storm | | 65% | Gambit | | 60% | Rogue | | 60% | Beast | | 55% | Colossus | | 50% | Cyclops | | 40% | Wolverine | | 35% | Nightcrawler | | 30% |
Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0 created with QuizFarm.com |
Labels: i'm still awesome
i would have preferred a picture of sean connery......

You scored as
James Bond, Agent 007, James Bond is MI6's best agent, a suave, sophisticated super spy with charm, cunning, and a license's to kill. He doesn't care about rules or regulations and somewhat amoral. He does care about saving humanity though, as well as the beautiful women who fill his world. Bond has expensive tastes, a wide knowledge of many subjects, and his usually armed with a clever gadget and an appropriate one-liner.
James Bond, Agent 007 | | 100% |
Batman, the Dark Knight | | 88% |
Lara Croft | | 79% |
El Zorro | | 79% |
Captain Jack Sparrow | | 75% |
Indiana Jones | | 71% |
Neo, the "One" | | 71% |
William Wallace | | 63% |
Maximus | | 58% |
The Terminator | | 50% |
The Amazing Spider-Man | | 50% |
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0created with QuizFarm.comLabels: i'm awesome
i did it again!
....i totally forgot to wish my absolute most favoritest ladies in the whole world a happy barfday on wednesday!!!! i hope they will forgive me.

they finally turned 21! i read about their party on one of those gossip blogs and that shit sounded so fucking boring i won't even bother cutting and pasting the story here. something about family and close friends and dinner and like i dont know, being like normal or something lame. blah blah blah.
...actually, my 21st barfday was also boring. the olsens and i must really be soul sisters then!!! so hot. all i did on my 21st was eat at a local japanese restaurant with my fams and some cousins and like a handful of friend-hoes and then my best friend at the time took me to the ESPN zone. she wasn't 21 so we had to go somewhere neutral. i was one of the first of all my friends to turn 21 so it was boring as shit and then i got wasted at school the next day just cause i could. omg, did i really just type that story. eh, oh well...im really far too lazy to delete it so enjoy! seriously, being lazy is the most liberating thing that has ever happened to me. i totally don't give a fuck anymore. kinda like old people. old people are always telling me once you hit a certain age you don't give a shit what you say or do and that other people can suck it. i've always hearted old people. anyway, happy barfday olsen twins.....you continute to inspire me to dress fug and throw up my meals. (but im too lazy to follow through on puking. sorry.)

Labels: olsens