thanksgiving is totally my favorite holiday after my birfday. mostly because i don't have to buy anyone a present (...xmas is overrated). i still get presents for thanksgiving though. granted, i only get food presents and like some kind of weird card from my mom but sometimes my cousins bring me something awesome, like "The OC" merchandise. those sluts totally know me.
the only reason today is not as awesome as my birfday is because it's less about me and more about delicious food. hm...actually, when i really think about it, thanksgiving is totally all about me!!! i seriously handle it on thanksgiving. my dinners are like legendary or something. no wonder people love me.
ok so things i am thankful for at this very minute, in no particular order:
del taco's mouth watering (gag) maple sausage roll up is seriously the most genius food item i've ever heard of!! a maple sausage rolled in a flour tortilla dipped in french toast batter and deep fried, this beats that fried coke pam posted about because the maple roll up looks like an STD. i am thankful for it.
---------------------------------------- Fergie
you hoes suck. but i did score tickets thanks to my enviable tenacity and my amazing ability to convince people to give me stuff. i love being me. j/j whores. hahaha. who am i kidding....i'm not joking, you sluts know humility has no place in my world. anyway, i know you were all worried about my monday night so i thought i'd do the right thing and let you know i got what i wanted! yay, as usual.
¶ 12:59 AM
Sunday, November 19, 2006
.....I NEED TO SEE THEM!!! if you know anyone who has an extra ticket for The RAPTURE at HENDRY FONDA (Monday, Nov. 20) that they are selling PLEASE contact me ASAP!! thanks sluts. i have faith you will come through for me this time.....ew, you sluts better!!! :) jk.
email me if you can help though: please don't deny a hoe a chance to slut it up on the henry fonda dance floor to this hotness...
no hoes.....
i'm not dead...BUT i have been really busy doing good deeds. it's the theme for fall....
here are some examples:
being a good friend..(and sometimes encouraging other friends to be good friends too...)
being historical in public:
(i'm george washington)
eating while enjoying the lifestyle of a middle aged lady of leisure in a third world country (aka:the land of pupusas....aka: el salvador)
and finally......
...which i think speaks for itself. europe was seriously awesome.
wow. that was the most productivity i've allowed myself in months.....i'm totally exhausted. time for a sausage.
and oh yeah, im proud of you Britney. but you don't get a sausage until you're back to being not fat and being on the radio lip synching something catchy but totally stupid. what? she's still fat and not not singing.......why should she get a sausage?
¶ 12:47 AM