dude..............i am still so totally bored. everyone i know has like, things to do. like real things. so lame. i totally tried to call people today and everyone was all,"i have a job.." blah blah blah. so gross. the only person i know who does even less than i do is my brother! and he sleeps all day, so i can't even not do things with him!! it's pretty sad guys. you should really feel sorry for me. it is so hard to be the only person with nothing to do but drink coffee, plan her birthday parties for the next three years, and watch E!'s all day Oscar Red Carpet coverage over and over and over because she's too lazy to change the channel (this is serious, i am so lazy i can not even pick the remote up and get rid of Ryan Seacrap's god, he is the most annoying elf on the planet!!....and i don't even like awards shows!!).
so in between all the self imposed responsibilities i mentioned above, i decided to call up a temp agency and schedule an interview! totally stoked. im going tomorrow and they told me to dress "professional". This is totally the hottest thing that has been on my to-do list think this is the first thing that has been on my to do list all year. I hope they find my Manila Folder and Starbucks drink professional enough. I hope they place me somewhere awesome too, where there is a watercooler and middle aged people and um...whatever office people make jokes about that i never understand. i'll let you know how it goes.
ps- i totally forgot to mention a while ago that i went to the Of Montreal show at the Troubador. My Scissor Sisters post totally reminded me how stoked i was about this:

isn't that the hotness, for reals? Thanks to Kristen and Andy for letting me borrow a space on their hot camera for this!! Of Montreal is seriously hot shit and they are really fucking awesome live. Kevin (the lead ho) totally puts on an awesome show!! he totally came out in a bunch of different outfits throughout the course of the show, including but not limited to: denim cut off shorts, a giant lobster claw on one hand, something super glittery and sequined, um....some really long giant dress that he had to get on a ladder to wear, and some other stuff i dont remember because this was almost a month ago.
i think half of the people there were either scared or disgusted! it was awesome. i dont even get why people would be either of those things but you know how it is...people are lame.
there were alot of people that did their best to get their dance on but the lame people totally outnumbered the hot people so that kind of sucked. kevin barnes is way way way hot though, so that made up for all the lame people who were afraid of glitter and gayness.
that entourage dude was there and he was not afraid of glitter. and it was the HOT entourage dude too! i dont watch that show, but i know who that dude is...well after it was pointed out to me. i know him more as the hot dude from the classic Melissa Joan Hart film: "Drive Me Crazy"! 
anyway, y'all should totally check them out next time they play! they totally do the outback steak house song, but not the outback steak house version...even though that was requested by someone in the audience!!
Outback Steak House Version: